my website does not show and work sometime

Hi dear Muffin group Team

unfortunately i have strange problem with my theme. i think when WP engine is updated automatically, my theme does not shows and work properly,
my website: and below i share the url of website, which if you see the main menu does not shows and also toggles not workign if you click on them . i dont know why this happen ... maybe it s happen when wordpress engin in update ??!!!!

please help me with this regard,


  • also last time when it happened, we change back in .htaccess and i think when wp engine update, some codes  changes in htaccess
  • hi i am again back. we check the website but this time it s not even wordpress engine update. so why it happen then ??? 
    can plugin make that happen ???

  • Hi,

    can you explain what exactly does not work? The image you sent above, to be honest does not say anything to us.
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