Editing theme-shortcodes.php

Is it possible to create a "functions" directory in the child theme and override the "theme-shortcodes.php" file in the parent theme? I want to make some minor edits to the Team shortcode but don't want to edit the theme itself since I like to update it as new versions become available.

To clarify, I actually did all of that already but it's not working and I'm wondering why, or if there's another way. Thanks!


  • Hi,

    to modify theme functions in child theme, you need to overwrite functions inside functions.php file. Child theme works only with 2 files: functions.php and style.css. For more details about child theme please check https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes
  • edited May 2016
    Thanks for the response, but that's not necessarily true, even with the
    BeTheme. For instance, I can override theme files by including modified
    versions of items in the "includes" directory. More specifically, I'm
    using BeTheme on another site and have a modified version of
    "content-single.php" in an "includes" directory in my child theme and it
    overrides the one in the parent theme.

    I was hoping I could do the same with the "functions" directory but apparently that's not the case.

    Regardless, thanks for your response. I'll look into adding the modified functions to the functions.php file.
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