Main Menu edit

Please view this link.

I need the menu to be centered and I also need the thin blue line I added to top and bottom of menu wrapper to extend edge to edge on the screen instead of stopping short. How I can I achieve this?


  • Hi,

    you got maintenance mode active so we do not see your site. But to get centered menu, you need to set Stack: Center header type under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Header section.
  • I just took it off maintenance mode. Please check this out and also let me know how I can achieve getting the top and bottom blue border on my menu to extend all the way left and right. Thanks, 
  • Ok, thanks. As we can see, your menu is already centered. The only problem you got is with Sticky header but this can be sorted with the following css: .menu_wrapper { width: 60% !important; }
    In reference to blue lines, you got them already all the way left and right. You won't be able to make them sticky to the edges because whole header is inside wrapper and that's why lines won't go to the edges.
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