How to show the link of a link post in a single post by default
When I click 'read more' on a link post, or open a link post through search, all I see is a title and social sharing buttons - no link!
Surely there is an easy way of changing this and I don't have to insert the link into the text box?
Surely there is an easy way of changing this and I don't have to insert the link into the text box?
I have almost 1000 link posts, so a general work-around or improvement would be appreciated.
so you want link to post itself on single post page. Please make a screenshot of single post page and mark on it where you would like to have this link exactly and we`ll try to help you
Maybe I wasn't clear before, if so, I'm sorry.
A link, in a link post in the blog list, points to an external URL.
I would like a single link post to show that same external URL.
Has that something to do with "mfn-post-link" ? Can you please inform me what html I have to add instead?
A link post should always contain the link to the destination (elsewhere on the web). In general, it doesn't matter whether you have to click the title, a link icon, or a http link, as long as it is clear what people should do.
What I would like is: - please note that the URL under the title is the same link as displayed on the blog list for that specific post (and not a permalink to that same post).
Thanks for suggestion!
Just have a look at how other themeforest authors implementend link posts:
Best selling TF item:
Blog archive:
Single link post:
Blog archive:
Single link post:
Recent TF item:
Blog archive:
Single link post:
EDITED!!! Please forget everything what we wrote above and do below modifications. This is what are you looking for for sure. In includes/content-single.php file please add below code: under code which looks like below: P.S. Once again we really sorry for this mistake and misunderstood. Hope this modification will help you know. Let us know if everything is ok and we`ll add this with next theme updated of course.
Now, if I may suggest to include this in your next update?