large featured image

edited May 2016 in Theme support

I'm looking to achieve something like the homepage on your betranslator demo:,

here the top of the 'homepage_boxes' is just popping up on the bottomside of the screen. Now on the demo's homepage the revslider is used. I'd like to use the page's featured image.
Should i set this up as revslider or is there a way to set it up in the specific page itself? I'd like to stay on the page itself instead of referring to the revsliders. Ex. the besurfing theme also has a block popping op bottom right, but it seems this goes over the background image?

Peace, Ed'


  • Hi Ed,

    we are sorry but are afraid that we do not understand what you want to do exactly. Would be great if you can try to explain it one more time but somehow easier so we can get it.

  • I'd like to have pages with a fullscreen (featured) image but with some text already showing on the bottom side of the screen.
    How can i set up a page with a fullscreen featured image. I presume i can then add a div with text and give it a negative margin-top, to make it appear on the bottom side of a screen.

    Does this make it more clear? Thanks!
  • Yes, that is more clear now. So what you can do is set image inside full width section and if you will do this, please send us link to page where you got this full screen image with the content below and we will see how to move the bottom part of content to the top just like on Be|Translator demo.

    If this would help somehow, on above demo, we used the following css to move the homepage_boxes up:
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
        #homepage_boxes { margin-top: -100px; z-index: 20; }
  • Hey, good idea to use a full width section... In VC I've added a full-width stretch row without padding and set a background-image to cover.

    In the meantime i also thought of the idea to use the margin-top and z-index, which works fine (not really responsive as of yet, but i could use queries for that i guess..)

    Thanks again!

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