Blog page feature image

I need to adjust the ratio of the photo on the blog posts. All our photos are getting cut-off in a weird way.
Were should I config the ratio?
Please see below example:


  • Hi,

    if you want to adjust the ratio of images, you need to play with functions/theme-functions.php file where the code responsible for images is. But to display whole proportion of featured images, you need to use an extra css:
    .image_frame:not(.no_link) .image_wrapper img:not(.ls-l) { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
    .image_frame .image_wrapper img:not(.ls-l) { top: 0 !important; }
  • I have implemented the extra css
    And I tried to change Width and Height under: Blog/Feature Image
    But only takes effect the Width not the Width

    Need to increise width too

  • Please make sure that you didn't set fixed width and height for this image under Media section. If you didn't, then remove the image and upload it from your computer once again.
  • Sorry, but  All the blog feature pictures (posts) than have been uploaded have same ratio, but all of them are cuted for default, I need to fix the Width, Should be really simple !! Could you please assist?
  • So if the images are cut, you must play with the file and functions we mentioned above. Please notice that what you ask for requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.
  • I really dont know If you understand my question:
    Again, The image are cut by default by BeTheme 

    If I uploaded a new pòst with a normal ratio image 4x3 (as example), look fine in Home Page, but in Post page is cut, It is a landscape configuration. 
  • Please send us dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at and we will have a look on it ourselves. That would be definitely the best way to check it.
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