Align text / menu / to right border

Hi there, please look at the following blog:
I would like to have the menu elements, the text aligned to the right border - like the 'read more' link... 

to be clear: all elements (Menu, Text block (excerpt) and the 'read more should be all aligned to the right border - by border I mean the position where the 'read more' is aligned.

Please note that the block mode of the text should remain intact... Please see the screen shot here:

any idea how to manage that with CSS?



  • Hi,

    please mark on screenshot which parts supposed to be aligned to the right side.
  • You need a different screenshot as the above?
    Let me know if you need more... I want the three elements: Menu/search - Text block and 'read more' aligned equally to the right border as shown in the screenshot...

  • There was no screenshot when we were reading your message and that's why we asked for it. Anyway, what you can move to the right is post excerpt only and this can be done with the following css:
    .post-excerpt { text-align: right !important; }
    But menu, can not be moved to the right because it requires files customization.

  • thanks, but maybe I explained it wrong: What I want is not a alignment of the text to the right - it should be justified. Sorry for that.

    I have done that now... however the 'read more' doesnt seem to be aligned to the element above.

    Please see here:

    As for the menu elements - I will see what I can do. thanks for your support!
    best regards
  • edited June 2016
    Sorry for that. I have solved it in the meanwhile.

    .post-footer {
      padding: 0px !important; 

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