Can I remove the header and footer?
Hi, I have been using the theme for a while and it is superb but I have a question now. I need to build a page without any menu/header and footer, just a slider at the top. Is there an easy way to do this?
I have tried creating a blank page from the templates but the muffin builder content appears before the slider shortcode in the editor.
Can you advise please? Thanks.
all you need to do to create page without header and footer, is to set Blank template. You can do this on the right side when you edit/create pages.
options>header&subheader>extras and change the action button.
See here:
We sometimes also add the 'BUY NOW' button as the last menu item, be
sure to go to apperance>menus and check there as well.
Is it possible to remove just the cart?
Hi @Teighe,
Can you provide more details to what exactly you refer to, please?
Do you mean a cart icon in the header, cart page, or side cart?
Best regards