Transparent Header on Single Page

Hi there!

We just added a video background to the top section of our homepage and have a question about the layout. I'm wondering if there's a way to make the header/menu, just for a single page, transparent so it can lay over the video background. 

Changing the entire site to the "Transparent" header layout made the homepage display how we'd like (with the video shifting up so it shows behind the menu), but we only want this effect to be on the homepage. Is there some CSS we can insert for this?

I tried adding the following CSS to the page's individual settings. It did change the color to transparent, but didn't cause the video to move upwards.
#Top_bar { background-color: transparent !important; }

Is there something I could add to that CSS which would make the video shift up?

Here's a link to the website I'm referring to -

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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