How to delete/deactivate the Related Post area in Single Post?

edited June 2016 in Theme support

Using BeMusic Template:

I currently have a plugin that I'm using on top of BeTheme which is a YouTube video grabber named WP Video Robot. That plugin essentially adds its own Post Type which handles the single pages being created for each video fetched. The single pages are populated with Featured Images automatically. Well, for whatever reasons unknown for now, BeTheme is not showing the thumbnails from the single pages created by the plugin at all. They are not showing in Related Post, in Archives, in Category list, nowhere in the theme. However, I've added another Related Post plugin Yuzo Related Post and effortlessly, Yuzo finds and output all of the images from WP Video Robot correctly. As a matter of fact other plugins installed... The Grid, Essential Grid, Pro Slider & Carousel Layout for Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, they all see and find the thumbnails except for BeTheme itself.

Now, I would have love to just simply use the Related Post function from Be itself with WP Video Robot's Custom Post as it would help me use one less plugin and decrease page load BUT I already know you guys gonna give me the whole "you don't cover third party plugins" support and whatnot. So, to avoid all of this, I'm instead asking how to delete/deactivate (whichever comes first) the Related Post area in Single pages ONLY! Not in Blogs pages as the YouTube plugin doesn't post anything in blog pages.

I hope I explained myself clear enough with the situation and hopefully get a remedy.



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