Google Analytics code showing on top of website front page

edited June 2016 in Theme support
Not sure why but I inputted the Google Analytics code in the SEO area of the backend panel of BeMusic template 


but now it is showing on top left corner of the website as you can see in the screenshot. 


The site is



  • Please take a look on GA field once again and consider if there is an information to put GA's CODE or ID? Because as we can see, there is an information about the CODE, NOT ID.
  • edited June 2016
    But isn't a Tracking Code and Tracking ID basically the same thing in Google Analytics?

    In my Google Analytics panel, there are the three ways I can use the code:
    The tracking ID, The Script and the PHP. So, do I have to enter the script or PHP?

  • You must paste the whole code of GA. It's the one located under Website tracking words.
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