One page mobile menu not working

edited June 2016 in Menu / Mega menu

could you please take a look at the:

I need to solve two things

1. This is the one-page template and the menu anchors work fine on a desktop, but on mobile the menu items are not responding.
I have found that if I ad -m after the anchor name like #projects-m then the mobile menu works but desktop menu doesn't. How to get menu to work both at desktop and mobile?

2. On the front page, the first menu item #about-us is immediately lit (blue), before I click on it. I would like it not to be.  How can I make it white at the beginning?


  • Hi,

    1. one page menu does not work as should on mobile because of your own customization. To make it work, you need to use our original theme files instead.

    2. This is our mistake and we would fix it with next theme update of course. For now, you fix it, you need to use the following JS under Custom CSS & JS > Custom JS section:
      $('#menu li.current-menu-item').removeClass('current-menu-item');
  • 1. I am using the original theme, latest one 13.6 with the child theme 1.6

    2. I have entered that code to where you suggested but nothing changed, the first item is still lit.
  • It is not true, because you use 8.6 version. Not 13.6.
  • Believe me it is the latest one (13.7)

  • If it's the latest one, we suggest to remove theme files then from FTP and upload the newest one instead because we have no idea what you did exactly in files as those included are not the original files. You must be doing some modification and we are sure about that. So please upload new/fresh files without any extra plugins and customization.
  • OK, so I have deleted via FTP both BE and BE child themes and uploaded 13.7 but no changes.

    I haven't made any changes to your theme. However, I can't say if my client have, as I took over the maintenance from him.

    He has two installations, one for each language. The main is which is 8.6 so you're right for that part, but the other one that I am trying to fix is here at

    Maybe you're looking at the first location which is wrong, Can I send you the admin details? Would you care to take a look?

    Or is there some other solution, perhaps, like selecting another menu for mobile version or something similar?

    I only need a menu to work on both desktop and mobile, that's all.
  • Ok, so if you are saying that you have latest/fresh version installed,
    can you explain where from the following errors you see in JS console come from? Those errors definitely
    doesn't come with theme but are the reason why JS doesn't work as
    should. So if files re-installation didn't helped, we suggest to create
    completely new site with fresh version of BeTheme as something is
    definitely wrong with current WP installation.
  • OK, so I have disabled almost all plugins and deleted them from the FTP.
    I have created another menu item (HOME) at the top of it and everything works on a desktop.
    There are no more errors in console.

    I am really sorry to bother you and I am grateful for all your help.

    Just can't understand why menu won't work on mobile...
  • Please send us dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at and we will have a look on it ourselves. Please don’t forget to attach link to current topic so we know what for the access is.
  • Done, thnx
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