I keep getting a video error when I post the link for any YouTube video in the video box. I've tried both types of video link that YouTube offers. Here is an example of both links for a video and
Hi - I read the link, tried everything. And both types of video link from YouTube (per my previous message). It is still not appearing. The screen is there, but with an "error occurred" message. This is the screenshot showing the screen with the error http://snag.gy/66XLt.jpg
That's because I had to use Visual Composer's video box. Not Muffin. I would prefer to use Muffin's video box. This is what it looks like when I use the Muffin box on the same page: http://snag.gy/66XLt.jpg
As you can see there is no video errors so we really have no idea what is wrong on your side.
@bradpurper As we wrote above, we don`t see any errors so we really don`t know how to help. Maybe you used video full link instead of just Video ID?