
Which section of padding would I change to make the background bigger and make the text fit on the background better? Or is there another way to fix that?

I am referring to the "we provide awesomeness" section. Thanks


  • Above I am talking about the second "we provide awesomeness" section. Sorry I didnt realize they were titled the same.

    Second can I make the background go all the way across the page like it does on the first "we provide awesomeness" section. 

    Thank you so mcuh
  • Hi,

    to make texts white (because the background is dark) you supposed to set dark class name just as it was done for the 1st section which looks much better. But about padding, each section have fields like: Padding | Top and Padding | Bottom and these is the right place to set padding.

    About 2nd question, we see you found full-width style option for section items already.
  • Regarding the second question I might have asked it wrong. How do I make it so the width is all the blue background? and so no white shows on the sides?
  • About 2nd question, to make those blue sections full width, you need to set up FULL WIDTH style for those sections.
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