404 error on background image


When looking in the developer console on Google Chrome I see am having a 404 error on a file that I guess came from the sample content I installed. I set up wordpress in a subfolder called "wp2016". There I imported the "Journey" sample site. At a later stage I moved the wordpress install from the subdirectory "wp2016" to the site root. 

Now I find a reference to this file: "http://www.sofialinnea.se/wp2016/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/home_journey_section_texture.png" on my home page. This causes a 404 because the "wp2016" subdirectory no longer exists. 

Looking at page source this file is referenced as background image in a div like this: 

<div class="section mcb-section " style="padding-top:70px; padding-bottom:30px; background-color:; background-image:url(http://www.sofialinnea.se/wp2016/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/home_journey_section_texture.png);

How and where can I correct the path for this file to avoid getting the 404 error? 

BR, Johan


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