Secondary menu looks weird in fixed menu when scrolling

I want it to not show when scrolling or if you have a better suggestion of how and where to display it when scrolling.


  • But secondary menu is not available inside sticky menu so we really don`t know how you get it there. As we see you have used below custom css:
    1. .header-stack #Top_bar .secondary_menu_wrapper {    display: block;    left: 0;    position: absolute;    top: 55px; }
    All we can recommend is remove this secondary menu from sticky header because it won`t look good at all.
  • Ok I understand...

    However, we want the secondary menu to be left instead of right,
    Also, it's critical that it shows in mobile... Like in the images above
  • As we wrote above at this moment it is not possible. We did not created sticky header section with place for secondary menu and this can`t be done at this moment. We`ll think about it in future if this can be done in right way but at this moment you can`t use it in sticky header.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Ok it is not possible in sticky header...

    But I am asking:

    it's critical that it shows in mobile... like the images in my other post, this is how I want it:
  • It won`t work on mobile properly until you won`t remove your custom css. Secondary menu may work only the way as on one of our demos what you can see at,left
  • I did remove it a long time ago...

    Look, the secondary menu needs to show on Mobile... I don't care about your demo...

    I did not go through the demo in detail before I Bought the theme...
    It doesn't say in any agreement that "You need to go through the demo in detail before purchasing this"

    It is basic functionality and common sense that something as critical as navigation is accessible on all devices.
  • Sorry but you are going to be rude now. If you won`t stop do this, we will be forced to ban your account so please stop with writing like above because we`ll also report your person to envato.

    You said: "I don't care about your demo..." so you think that we`ll do any change or we`ll add anything what you will imagine within minutes because you need it? If you think like that then you are wrong. You did not purchased us on your own. You bought theme! So please stop force modifications on us.

    We constantly work on theme and we listen all your suggestions but we can`t add them NOW!!! Current list of user`s request is very very long and your suggestions must wait in queue.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Timothyvass certainly makes it a point to emphasize the last three letters of his name.

    The themes do not include support - support is a privilege and people like you make developers like the wonderful guys at Muffin Group to stop offering support to customers because of your kind of attitude. 

    You should purchase a commercial license if you want to get preferred VIP treatment.
  • Thanks @marius7 for this explanation :) It is really great to see that some users understand what support is for and what is included. We really do as much as we can but as you mentioned, we can`t modify each website per customers request. So once again BIG THANK YOU for this explanation.
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