Portfolio - getting duplicate entries

First, I apologize as Hostgator is not allowing the use of the temporary URL's anymore which had allowed for showing "in-progress" websites during development.  (You have to add code to the forms file on your local computer to trick the website into showing up to work on it before repointing the DNS of the domain name.)

So that being said, I hope I can explain this problems well enough.  

Starting on the Portfolio page:
1. The page loads ALL the Portfolio entries (perfect!). Clicking on the button "Load More" under all the entries,  a duplicate of one of the Portfolio entries appears.  I would think that if there are no more Portfolio entries, that the "Load More" Button would not appear.
2.Now click "Filter by Categories" and if the category is selected that contains the double portfolio entry, it also appears twice under that category. 

How do I stop the double Portfolio entries from occurring.  If it helps, I could email you screen shots.
Thanks so much for your help.


  • Hi,

    This is how it supposed to work and this is the way it works on our end. So it is very weird that it works differently on your end and would be great if you can send us access to your dashboard and FTP privately so we can check what might be the reason.

  • Hi,
    I wish you could get onto the dashboard, but the only way is if you are willing to change a file on your computer to put in the IP number and the domain name. Before I could always use a temp URL but now Hostgator has cut off that ability.  Growl.

    I can send you the FTP, but not sure what good that will do if you can't get onto the admin Wordpress panel. Could I email you screen shots?
  • Screenshots wouldn't be helpful at all. What we need is an access so we can log-in and check ourselves.
  • OK, unfortunately it will be a while as obviously I have to launch the website for you to see it.  I appreciate your time, and I'll circle back when the site is viewable.
  • HI Muffin Group,
    The website just went live: http://tinyurl.com/zvmna7s

    You wil see that I am getting duplicate entries and also, not all portfolio pages appear on this master page.  (please see my initial posting above).  

    I have just sent you an email with log-on information.
    Thanks so much for your help.
  • Since they answered me privately since I sent my log-on info, here is their answer for anyone with the same problem:

    Ok, we found it. The problem is that you are using RANDOM option for sorting. As the name says, RANDOM is always displaying random posts. So if you have amy of them and don’t want posts to be duplicated, you need to use different sorting than RANDOM. We mean the option visible on http://pasteboard.co/5iOUgKkEu.png

    Thanks so much MuffinGroup, that fixed the problem.

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