Paragraph/Text Justification

Hi all,

Question, how do I justify the throughout this site?

I thought I would ask before installing another plugin.




  • Hi,

    to justify text, you need to use something like the following css but please remember that this may break existing items:
    body, p, div { text-align: justify !important; }
    Remember, that you can remove any above tag and replace with own.
  • Thank you so much... Where would I place this? I'm so NEW at this but I'm learning :-) ... Now if you need help with online marketing, I'm the man, but site dev... again, I'm learning so beat with me :-) 
  • edited July 2016
    Yoooooooo!!!! It worked... Thank you so much! Wow! If I can ever give you any tips let me know....  

  • edited July 2016
    Okay wait... i changed the whole site. What it I just need certain sections on certain pages. This is the page.. I need the icon box content aligned but not the icon. With the css you provided everything on the entire sites shifts :-)


    Should not justify for example but the paragraph below it should. Make sense?

  • Same for every page! Thank you for your help!

  • Sorry but it does not make sense. We do not understand what exactly you want to do.
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