About Gallery

I want to use lighbox gallery that used in zoo theme (here: http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/zoo/animals-gallery/ ) in tea theme. I uploaded theme to wordpress and used Betheme Demo Data to insert demo to my site. Then I created a gallery and every image open in new page. I want them to appear in lighbox. How can i do it?

Tanks for your help... Have a good day...


  • edited July 2016

  • edited July 2016
    Can you link me to the page where your gallery is? Something may be conflicting with your scripts. Also, How are you adding the gallery to the page? Are you using the muffingroup or Visual Composer tools? Or are you just using the gallery shortcode from wordpress?
  • I solved the problem. I noticed that i linked gallery thumbnails to attachment page instead of image file. For those who faced with this problem, it can be easly done on gallery options while creating a gallery.
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