Edit "mfn-love" icon


Is it possible to edit the "mfn-love" icon? Here is what I would like to change....

How to Edit:
1) Use a THUMBS-UP icon instead of a HEART icon.
2) Edit the text displayed next to the "mfn-love" icon... specifically the words, "Do you love it?"
I don't see a place to change this in the Muffin options....but  I've found the text "Do you love it?" in the "includes" folder in a file called: "content-post.php"
Would I edit the  "Do you love it?" in the "content-post.php" file and then add it to the child theme/folder? Or, is there a better/proper way to do this?

Also...I have one last question:
3) Is the data/ratings for the "mfn-love" icon stored in the muffin theme options? Where is this data stored?



  • Hi

    I too would like to know how to change the icon. I looked in class-love.php and try to change it there but now nothing displays.

    please help.

  • Hi,

    this requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Hello!

    After reviewing this feature in more detail, I've opted not to use the "Do You Love It?" heart icon option. I have a little coding experience, but am not that interested in getting overly involved in the coding...

    RE: Future Muffin Updates
    In case you guys are interested in feedback, I think users (like me) will want to have the option to store "Like" data somewhere in the admin panel. Also, it would be nice to have the ability to edit the "icon" and the text that appears next to it — from the admin panel. Perhaps that can happen in the near future?

    RE: Other Options
    In case there are other users like me who are interested in a "Post Like" button with more control...here are some other options.

    ZillaLikes: This plugin allows you to edit the text and place the heart "Like" icon anywhere in your blog with shortcode. It's free. You can also easily replace the icon by replacing the .png files in the images folder of the plugin through FTP.

    WordPress Post Like:
    This plugin is in progress. But, you can test it by adding it to your blog through the directions in the "read me" file. Gives you control over icons (font icons)  and text. Should be available as a plugin in the next year.
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