List of link short codes for content_link [FAQ LINK]

edited July 2016 in Shortcodes
Dear Support Team,

I understand from this piece of the manual:

5) Content Link - this shortcode creates links with content inside. The attributes are:

  • icon (type in icon name if you want a button with an icon)
  • link (enter button link )
  • ...

An example of the Content Link shortcode:

[content_link title="Go for it" icon="icon-lamp" link="#" target="_blank" class="" download=""]

That I can place links to short codes, however I need a list of all available links. How would I be supposed to know the links for "FAQ-Item", "Fency Heading", section, column, "Our Team" or "Image"?

Please post a list with available links for [Content_Link


  • Hi,

    all details about this shortcode and it's attributes you can find on
  • That was a realy useless answer, it is the same link like in the documentation.

    Yes I see the different content examples, so what? I still don't know how to link there. Dont you understand I need the link name of the diffrent content elements?

    Example: typing "#faq1" will link to the first faq answers. But what about the other elemnts?
  • To make that finally clear I want to use [content_link title="Go for it" icon="icon-lamp" link="#" target="_blank" class="" download=""] to link to OTHER content elemnts within the same page. Like FAQ. How do I find out what to type here: link="#"
  • When we read your message first time, we thought that we understand what you mean but we realized that we do not understand what exactly you want to do. However, if you mean to link to different sections on page (it's called ONE PAGE feature) the first thing you need to do is turn on ONE PAGE option for page under Page Options section. But to link to different sections/items, you need to set up UNIQUE ID for each section under Custom | ID field. And if custom | id would be for example section1 then your link to that section should be #section1

    Hope that's what you were looking for. Please notice that we do not have any "list of links" because something like that doesn't exist.
  • edited July 2016
    That was partly what I asked, and BTW only partly correct.

    Luckily I figured out how to use [content_link] to link to other content elements such as FAQ item. For all the poor folks out there having the same trouble I will write a short guide:

    How to use [content_link...] and linking to anywhere

    1. First off all create a column or code item in the muffin builder. 
    2. Here you will post the short code [content_link title="Go for it" icon="icon-lamp" link="#" target="_blank"class=""] and modify it. 
    3. The tricky part is the code snippet link="#". The answer to above question is: There are now defined pre-links! You have to build the links yourself using <span id=YOURLINKNAME"> ... </span>.
    4. You can put this <span everywhere, even in the title field of an muffin builder item such as FAQ.

    Example: Linking to an FAQ item

    1. Click on "Add Item" in the wrapper (muffin builder)
    2. Pick the FAQ item from the list
    3. Open it by using the edit button (the pencil symbol) 
    4. Search the title field and enter: <span id=YOURLINKNAME">YOUR TITLE</span>
    5. Open the column where you like the content_link to be placed
    6. enter the code [content_link title="Go for it" icon="icon-lamp" link="#" target="_blank" class=""] change link="#" to link="#YOURLINKNAME" and class="" to class="scroll". Rember to use every ID only once. It works now.

    Edit: Instead of <span..> you can also use the field "Custom ID" if the muffin builder item provides it.
  • Ohh, ok. We were wondering if we understand what are you trying to do
    but we were right partially just as you said. Anyway, thanks for your
    explanation. We really appreciate it!
  • I  have problem for link to column item but for FAQ I can without any problem, is there another way to create link to column item? 
  • @rickfoster549 Please send us link to page where you would like to do this and also please explain what exactly and where you would like to do.
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