List of link short codes for content_link [FAQ LINK]
Dear Support Team,
I understand from this piece of the manual:
5) Content Link - this shortcode creates links with content inside. The attributes are:
- icon (type in icon name if you want a button with an icon)
- link (enter button link )
- ...
An example of the Content Link shortcode:
[content_link title="Go for it" icon="icon-lamp" link="#" target="_blank" class="" download=""]
That I can place links to short codes, however I need a list of all available links. How would I be supposed to know the links for "FAQ-Item", "Fency Heading", section, column, "Our Team" or "Image"?
Please post a list with available links for [Content_Link
all details about this shortcode and it's attributes you can find on
Hope that's what you were looking for. Please notice that we do not have any "list of links" because something like that doesn't exist.
but we were right partially just as you said. Anyway, thanks for your
explanation. We really appreciate it!