My OG Meta tags are appearing in the body not header

Hi there,
Ive asked this question before but didn't get an answer.
When I share my  posts on FB the wrong images appear, not the featured image that I have set.
I have tried many different plugins and with some help from Word press forums ive worked out that there are 2 sets  of OG meta tags being put in my header and they are clashing, and neither of them end up in the header, but instead i can find them in the body.  And facebook isnt seeing them either.  
So I am using SEO yoast plugin to put the OG tags that I want but I cant seem to find where the second set is comming from.  
The biggest thing is if i change theme this problem goes away so obviously there is something in my BEtheme that is causing this problem.
How do i fix it???


  • Hi,

    to display the images you want on Facebook, you need to use

  • Hi there, Thanks for the reply,
    I have just tried this plugin and done all the set up.  Its still not working.  If i view the page source the meta tags apear in row 167 of the text.  Not the header.  Check this post for an example.  
    And my home page is the same
    There are some meta tags in the header but just a couple of random ones here and there.
    What now???

  • If you look at you see that you got an error somewhere which is not related with theme. Probably one of your plugins is giving this error and that's why it does not work as should.
  • Ok,
    what can I do about that?

    i just had tried uninstalling all th eplugins that are imputting open Graph, and none of them ever imput into the head.  Seo imputs them just below the head but facebook still doesnt find them.  And then as soon as I change my theme to a wordpress theme all the meta tags apear in the head and when i scrape the post with facebook its all perfect.

    SO from that my conclusion is that it is something to do with the be theme right??

    What can I do about this?
  • Sorry but to be honest, we don't know where the problem exactly is because we do not see anything related to theme. It means that the problem is out of the theme for sure.
  • Ok,
    But what can I do, who can I talk to??  
    After asking a lot of questions on WordPress they said its defiantly not word-press and must be the theme because when I change theme it goes away.  
    The meta tags apear, just not in the head, there must be something that can be done about this?

  • But we tested this plugin on our side and everything is just fine what means that it's something out of the theme. You should speak with your web developer or admin because we don't know what the reason might be. Or if you don't have any developer, we can give you a contact to guys who offer customization.
  • I agree with kayaker89. there is a problem there and is becuase of the theme
  • @mmcc So how you can explain the situation when it works for us and for hundreds of other users as well? Maybe the problem is with your settings?
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