Betheme messing things up after update
Hey Guys,
I still enjoy the product very much but after the latest update, everything is kind of messed up.
Titles running into each other : see example:
I had to extend all site wide images to 1920 px plus because for some reason they were not displaying full width anymore but my screen is 1920 px
spacing between items, see homepage just below the video and the first still image
Responsiveness is gone completely, just try the homepage on your cellphone:
and some more small stuff
1. You forgot to set up line-height for the tags, content under Theme options > Fonts > Size & Style section and that's why it doesn't look as should.
2. To extend header or section's backgrounds on larger screens, you need to use the following css: 3. Responsive works fine except the padding/margin you set for some content blocks. So please remove all padding/margin for sections which doesn't look good on mobile.