Logo position and scale in Header problem

i like my logo vertically centered in the header and the header bar tight. It seems that betheme puts always some space above my logo
so it is never centered and above all takes much more space.

Vertical padding=0

When changing the height below default, say 30 then my logo is scaled down but the additional space above is kept.
I want my logo centered vertically and not additional space above (except my padding which is actually 0).

How to accomplish this ?
Thank you


  • Solution:
    To set the header height:
    Muffin Options/Custom CSS & JS/CSS

    add line

    #Header { height: 100px; }

    If the header should have 100px.

    To set the topbar size (where the main menu is located)
    In same css section add line:

    #Top_bar #logo { height: 50px; }

    If the top menu bar height should be 50px and the logo be scaled to this size.

    If you like to scale your logo just from image size uploaded, then

    Muffin Options/Global/Logo/Advanced (scroll down)

    and check 
    "Overflow Logo"

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