Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Wow! Lots of great suggestions here!

    If there's ever an opportunity to add an option in the dashboard to open external links in a new window, it would be helpful to have. This would eliminate one of the plugins that we almost always have to install. It's always nice to have fewer plugins!  :-)

    Thanks for such a wonderful theme! I love it!
  • Will be nice if not charge all bootstrap dependencies and use more PostCSS and SASS for admin theme customizations.
  • Ability to modify naming of built in custom post types.  For example, change "Portfolio" to "Works" or "Testimonials" to "Famous Quotes".

    *Yes can be done with functions.php or external plugin but could be a simple option inside Muffin Options area and reduce bloat.
  • edited August 2016
    I am fairly new to the theme but this is what I have found so far:

    Social Icon colour picker for header and footer - There are posts dating back all the way to 2014 asking for this as a feature.  I am still referred to a link to mod the icons through CSS when asking a support question.

    Theme admin options in the top Admin bar - Theme options should be available from the Wordpress admin top bar, not just the dashboard.

    Recent PORTFOLIO Posts widget - There is a widget for blog posts, but not recent Portfolio posts.  I have never used a theme that had Portfolio custom post types, but doesn't have a Recent Portfolio Posts widget.

    I don't know how to explain this one properly.  The One Colour Skin option is a great feature.  But you should still be able to over-ride parts of it using the colour options.  E.G. use One Colour Skin, but set a just a different header background.  To do that one simple change, you have to switch over to completely customizing your skin.  That is crazy, and no other theme I have worked with uses that behaviour. The skins are a starting point, and you can fine tune them using the advanced colour settings in any other premium framework I use.  To make it worse, there is no text explaining that when you are in the colour settings.

    I don't know if I am just seeing some bug in my local install, but when I am in the Portfolio admin, and I select a page to use for the portfolio, it has no effect.  I have to go to the actual page and select it's page type there.

    The theme has so many options, which is great.  But it's missing some incredibly basic things as well.
  • As 'social proof' is so critical these days, it would be great to be able to change the "number of comments" count that shows on blog posts (on the 'latest post' for example), and replace it with the 'total shares'
  • a good feature for me is a, custom or prefabricated, email template for wordpress and woocomemerce
  • edited September 2016
    I'd love to have a function to copy paste complete wraps from one page to another. On several occasions i had an idea i would like to use on several sites. so far i have to write and edit the whole part for every page i need it. 
    i'd love it if i could mark something as some kind of template and just add these blocks when and where i need it.
    of course i can copy a whole page as a template but that doesn't help if i want to add something new to all my pages after i'm almost done...

    thanks, you are great!

    maybe betheme already supports that function, then i'd be happy if someone told me, where to find it!!
  • I would like to have a possibility to update the theme direct via the dashboard - as e.g. "storefront"
  • edited September 2016
    Allow for disabling Google Fonts and adding in a section (could be html text box area) to paste in code from other font services like or Typekit. 

    you can add it to the disable checkboxes in the Global > Advanced > Theme Functions area. 
  • edited September 2016
    Please add TripAdvisor icon ASAP at the Social Seccion of the BeTheme.
  • Sorry if this has already been mentioned previously, but I'm not reading 23 pages of questions ;)

    My request is more of a glitch, so feel free to move or report this in a more appropriate place.

    In the Visual Editor item, when you are typing lots of text, the wysiwyg box cannot scroll down to read, edit or add more text to the bottom. You can run the cursor down to the bottom, but the page jumps back up when you let go of the key. 

    It's pretty infuriating if it could be fixed asap that would be great!
  • Action Bar Position (Left, Centre, Right) options instead of just default left.
  • ATTENTION: After the latest update 14.7 the editor is not working when you switch from "text" to "Visual". I write the code in "text" mode but when I switch to "visual" the code dissapear. 
  • Please increase the width of the theme on mobile just this website looks on mobile device, its aesthetic
  • What SYBEZ said above regarding the WYSIWYG - WHEN DO WE GET A FIX? PLEASE FIX!
  • edited September 2016
    I am very happy to see this section. I have several needs I was not able to solve by myself...
    Here are few (if this is already possible, sorry for interupting - and I would be very happy to know "how" ^^) :
    1. Above the fold option... (Yeah. I know...) 
    2. possibility to add some content "before" a single post page (either somewhere in the Betheme options, either in the layout options, either by selecting a specific page....)
    3. A french version of the .mo/.po in the install (I have one pretty done already, which I can give you, minus few things if you want, all by myself ^^)
    4 a "flip box" item (because right now I have to install on the top of VC, another plugin just for this, which kills speed). (This might be achieve with layout or template?)
    5. ability to custom "the sticky state" of the menu (so far I can only achieve this with custom css, but I am no expert, and there is maybe a way)
    6. basically everything can allow us to us BT without the need to use VC :D (yeah. I know, this alreay pretty great what we have, but as you know, this will never be enought :)
    7 possibity to kill Google Font and add another service (like TypeKit). Best would maybe a textarea when advanced user can do what they want :)
    8. Get the ability to set a default fall-back image for post (for post without any picture) and to turn off / on this setting :)

    thanks for reading and all (constructive) comments are more than welcome :)
  • edited October 2016

  • maybe a layout about tiles and sanitary ware
    or a layout works with woo commerce 
    or making a filter which is good .. as all filters sucks

  • Hi there.
    One more "whatsapp icon" request.

    To be honest I can`t understand why is SO HARD to add this social icon that is SO COMMON today as contact way in many websites.

    If is not possible at the end, I think you should give a solution about this, just a code to be inserted and solve it at least in this way.

  • Please work on your menu styles. Menu drop down is not impressive, it should have some smooth transition, some underlines (already there) or dots or other options for hovers.

    Smooth transitions, stick drop down with the main menu is MUST. Due to lack of this option, i am forced to buy another theme now. :( 
  • 1) Please add a “Feedback” page/ link to at least your User Guide.  I stumbled across this page, but there should be a link to it.

    2) Neither the BeTheme Options in WordPress nor the User Guide provide much information to the absolute beginner. It would be a huge boon to have documentation (perhaps pop-ups) to explain (inter alia)
    a. what a favicon is,
    b. why it’s important, and
    c. some guidelines about selecting it.

    The same goes for just about everything else in the help guide. I have _no_ idea, for example, what a fixed or parallax header background position is, why they are relevant, or what the impact is of choosing one over another.
  • ... I'm probably too dumb to internet. But where, for the life of me, do I find a changelog? I keep getting e-mails about Betheme updates and wonder whether it's worth updating. But to dumb me, it's impossible to find out what's actually changed?
  • I just posted a question about this, but I am posting it here as well.

    If you are using Blog and Portfolio and both are set to use a preset like "Masonry", then the 2 pages should have the same layout and appearance.  Masonry Blog, and Masonry Portfolio have a different layout.  I know I'd like to see them be consistent.

    My biggest request, consolidate your updates a bit more.  I have never used a framework that has as many updates as Betheme.  It's great that you are so active with the theme development,  but as customers having to update the theme weekly is a little much.
  • The ability to add a transparent overlay to images and backgrounds. 

    I currently use a custom class - background-image: linear-gradient(a,b,c), url(image.jpg); but this is required for every section or unique image I want to overlay. 
  • Hi developers from muffingroup,
    Can you supply demo about factory,such as agro?
    It is very good.

    And about SEO, it is not good.  It doesnot mean yourself SEO. 
    please see my question:

    And please enhance the function of pages.

  • How about a "real" real estate demo?

    Something that actually displays homes and has features like number of bedrooms, baths, lot size, square footage, etc. 

    that is a HUGE market that could bring you tons of new sales. 
  • I love the theme. I am creating already the second website for a colleague.
    It would be great if you could add more industrial & business icons for business websites like an icon for oil&gas, transport, plant production, handshake, strategy & financial management. Sometimes the selection is very limited if you want to show what services you offer.
    It would be also great if you could customize or optimize function for the images of the team boxes.
  • -Post/page featured image as full page background

    -Post disable title output (per post only)

    -Post disable post nav (per post only) *upper nav with diagonal lines

    -Post prev/next side nav buttons to act like carousel, for example on first/last posts you only have a single prev or next button rather than two, if I have 5 posts I want post 5 to go back to post 1 and vice versa.
  • I loved that you guys added side slide option. But for some reason with RTL it doesn't show the side slide properly. Also if possible add the option for side slide from left as currently its from right. We should have option from where it should appear either from right or left.
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