Best compatible plugins for BeTheme site speed optimization

edited September 2016 in Other

I have been trying to optimize my website to raise up the Google Speed Test . I used the Autoptimize plugin to compress the css and javascript code but I don't know what plugin to use for the blocking js and css. Many people around the web advertise W3 Total Cache but it is not tested with the newest version of WP and I am afraid to use it. There is also A2 Optimized WP.  
Also which plugin should I use to compress with gzip или deflate ?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi,

    we are using W3 Total Cache as this is the best one we every used and in our opinion it has best results. But if you want to use different one, then you need to check them yourself first.

  • Thank you. 

    By the way I made a discussion about a problem with sharing in facebook : the pictures that appear rarely coincide with the default image for a product or a blog post. The discussion was deleted, but I did not understand why. I couldn't find a relevant discussion that is helpful. Can you provide some information? 
  • Your discussion might be removed if for example you get the content/text from somewhere and while pasting it here, you ruined the general style/look of forum layout. Anyway, we think that you should consider using for sharing.
  • Hi Mate, 

    I installed and setted W3 Total Cache but after that the website appear different.
    If I unistall the plugin the appeareance returns ok.
    Is W3 Total Cache compatible with BeTheme?
    If yes, what shall I do to set W3 Total Cache without changing my website appeareance?
  • Yes, W3 Total Cache plugin is compatible of course. Our demos uses this plugin and as you can see everything works. If something does not work properly on your end, it means you set something wrong. Please notice that plugin's settings depends on server settings so if you don't know what is the reason exactly, you should contact with your admin/hosting provider and ask them to set up this plugin for you or ask plugin's author if they would be able to set it up.
  • If I remember well W3 Total Cache made a problem with the slider revolution's main slide (the header of the website).
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