Mobile Menu Issues (Logo & Link Color)

At present I've got the landing logo and nav links as being white (to appear over the headers of each page). This presents an issue for the mobile menu as both are essentially on a white background. Ideally what I'd like to do is have the mobile menu stylings basically be exactly the same as the sticky menu is currently (#666 as a base color for the nav links and using the full color/sticky nav logo instead of the white one). Is there a way to do this?


  • One more thing if possible, I'd also like to center the nav for mobile (it's currently left aligned). Sorry about all the questions! I've just been trying to sort this out for the last couple days and just can't seem to find the right code.
  • Hi,

    the link you sent us above, does not work unfortunately. Site keeps loading and nothing happens. Please sort the issues with your hosting first and let us know when everything would be fine.

  • I'm not sure what happened. I just loaded the site on multiple machines and it's working fine.
  • Yes, we confirm that now it works. So we did checked your site and what you need to do is use the following css to change menu items colors on mobile:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1239px) {
        #Top_bar #menu ul li a { color: #666 !important; }
    But to change logo for mobile devices, you need to upload different logo under Theme options > Responsive > General section.

    What you can also do is set up transparent header on mobile under Theme options > Responsive > Header section.
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