popup contact form customization

link is here , at bottom of page under "how can we help you", i have pop up button, i have to change:

1.font color of the button
2. border color of the pop up window, currently it is black, i need blue. 



  • Hi,

    do you mean to change colors of both buttons? Currently there is 2 buttons and both has different text color.
  • yes there are two buttons, but for the left button, i want textcolor white, i can do that from theme options, but if i do that, action button (in top menu) text color also goes white. so, that become invisible. 

    so best solution for me is to advise, how i can change background color of action button. 
  • for second question about pop up window, it is here
    I want to change border color of this pop up window, currently it is black, i want it to be sky blue. 

  • edited October 2016
    1. To change button color, you can use:
    a.button .button_label { color: #FFF; }
    2. To change button background:
    a.popup-link.button .button_label { background: #000 !important; }
    3. To change border color, use:
    .button-stroke a.button.button_theme:not(.action_button), .button-stroke a.button.button_theme:not(.action_button), .button-stroke a.button.button_theme .button_icon i, .button-stroke a.tp-button.button_theme, .button-stroke button, .button-stroke input[type="submit"], .button-stroke input[type="reset"], .button-stroke input[type="button"] { border-color: #FFF !important; }
  • none of the above code worked. 

    Also, your codes for action button which i found on other threads didnt work either. surprised. 
  • It simply means that you are doing something wrong or just got a bugs in the code on what we have no impact. https://snag.gy/QNMtRl.jpg - this is simply proof that above custom css is fine.
  • Hello, 

    but why last code didnt work for pop window border color? can you please look deeper into it, what is the reason, custom code is not working on anything? not for action button, not pop up button and not even for pop window. 
  • Like we told you in other topics, you need to start from fixing html bugs because until this wouldn't be fixed, you may have much more issues. Some of these errors you can see on http://pasteboard.co/gqQhsEB5L.png (red color part).
  • well, i am fixing these errors, if even then your shortcodes not working, then i will get back to you. 

    but what to do with these errors http://imgur.com/D6WPqYD

    and these from theme? http://imgur.com/0wrs9QO 
  • These are not errors. These are html tags.
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