woocommerce default product page is not showing the sidebar

Hi there,

hope all is well. I am trying to show the categories on the right hand of the products page but for some reason it is not showing. This issue is only with the store page and rest of the pages are working fine. Please help me with this.

thanks & regards


  • Hi,

    where exactly you want to show this category? Does the same category display on our demo site?
  • Hi 

    thanks for getting back to me. I am trying to use a sidebar widget on my store page which is: https://testingcancer.com/buy-products/

    as you may see I have selected the right hand sidebar. I have also created a widget for this page and added woocomerce categories but the sidebar widget is not showing up there.

    Please help me with this 

    thanks & regards

  • Ok, thanks for the link. Looks like you put the widgets into wrong sidebar because WooCommerce has one, pre-defined sidebar and it's called Plugin | WooCommerce. It's located under Appearance > Widgets section where all sidebars are. So please move the widgets you would like to use into this sidebar and everything should be ok :)
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