Full width mode - page background

Hi there.  In full width mode, is there a way I can add a page background?  I have attached a screenshot with the area I mean highlighted. 

I want the header and footer to be full width, but have a background image behind the content basically.



  • Hey,

    yes, it is possible. To do this, you need to set background image for the section item inside which above items are.
  • edited October 2016
    Ok I found how to add a section, but I need a little bit more help.   I have my content built for the page already using Visual Composer.   If I don't turn "Hide the content" on, I don't see the background.  But if I turn it on, I don't see my content.  How do they work together?  I really don't even want to use Muffin Builder on the site at all.  Do I have to rebuild a page I did in Visual Composer in Muffin Builder to get it to work?

    EDIT, if I do have to use Muffin Builder, what is the grey gap above the background and the price box on this page: http://designbyparasol.com/wp/services/  .  How do I get rid of that?
  • So if we understand right, you are using Visual Composer and you want to make full width backgrounds using Visual Composer plugin, right?

    In reference to your 2nd question, we are not able to have a look on it because you have Coming Soon mode active.
  • Yes, I can't turn it off until the site goes live tomorrow.  But the client decided to use the image in the subheaders instead, which is an easy page setting and worked out very well.


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