Change hovereffect at previewpictures
how can i change the hovereffect at my blogpage and under the "related posts", so its not possible andymore to make the picture biger, so you go to the post no matter where you click at the picture.
I also woud like to know how i can change the background of those bars:
At my blogpage:
At the actual blogpost:
Thanks alot in advance!
how can i change the hovereffect at my blogpage and under the "related posts", so its not possible andymore to make the picture biger, so you go to the post no matter where you click at the picture.
I also woud like to know how i can change the background of those bars:
At my blogpage:
At the actual blogpost:
Thanks alot in advance!
please send us link/s to page/s that concerns above questions.
www. .com
And the blogposts:
www. .com
I have generel alot of problems to individualize the blog...
The magnifying glass under the related post is gone, but it still shows the show-bigger-picture-thing at this site:
www. .com
Can you tell me where i can find more about how the sections (".section-post-related" and co) are called and where i can teach myself on how to edit them?
Thanks a lot in advance and for what you allready have helped me.