Installation & Demo

I have a problem with the betheme installation. I don't know if this is an issue with the hosting provider or the betheme itself. I have tried installed the betheme demo data of Business and it didn't show all elements right. So I have updated the theme  and installed it again via FTP (which is the only way possible at the moment) and I only get an errorr page 404 to see. The function site under construction isn't showing either although I have activated it.
I really just want to start to build the website, can you help me with it?
Thank you.


  • So I have managed it to update the theme. But demo data still isn't showing right.And the I don't know how to remove the buy button which is showing serveal times.
  • Hi,

    please send us link to page were demo data still isn't showing right so we can have a look on it closer. Did you made demo import the same way as we described it in instructional video? But the "Buy now" button is an action button and you can remove it under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Extras section.
  • Hi,
    I recognized that it has nothing to do with demo data. Yes, I have uploaded it like in the video. It seems to be with Muffin Builder itself. I have set up a new page without any demo data and some elements didn't show right. Does the muffin builder have any requirements like the Slider Revolution like max post size min 32m?
    The site is right now under construction. So I can send the link to you?
    My problem with the Buy now button is, that under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Extras section the section is empty. So I can't remove anything.

  • Ok. The Buy now Button/Link I have solved. It was still under Design > menu.
  • Hi,

    Please go to Appearance > System Status and check your server configuration. If any option is highlighted in red please contact your hosting provider to change it.

    You can also use below plugin to check your serwer memory limit and current memory usage

    You can send us private message with dashboard access via contact form on the right side at
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