there was hundreds of answers on this question already on this forum. It's header's background section and if you don't need it, you can remove it by activating Minimalist option under Header & Subheader > Header section.
The next section (title in this case) just get bumped to the top on PCs under the top bar and not showing. For mobiles it gets bump up to the top menu w/o any spacing.
Yes, but as we can see, you set Transparent header and this is how transparent supposed to work. Transparent, means that whatever you have below, it goes behind the element which is transparent.
Anyway, we are glad to see that you found css that fit to your needs.
there was hundreds of answers on this question already on this forum. It's header's background section and if you don't need it, you can remove it by activating Minimalist option under Header & Subheader > Header section.
min-height: 200px;
Anyway, we are glad to see that you found css that fit to your needs.