Portafolio Home Grid
Hi, i am setting up my portfolio site, the portfolio page its all right, but at the homepage, i put a portfolio grid with some of my work. Actually, this grid is showing all of the works together, with no space between them. Can you please help me telling me hoy to make some spaces between the works at the home page?

I see where i can change this option but only for the portfolio page, not for the aplication at home page trough the muffing builder portfolio grid.

What i need:

Thanks a lot.
Also, is it possible to have the title of each portfolio item show up below the item instead of inside?
screen shot here.
I also want the thumbnails for each of these to be the same size/aspect ratio. How is that done? Can it be done within the template functions or do I need to upload files of the same size.
Thank you.