How to move sidebar from right to left side on WooCommerce shop page? [woocommerce sidebar]
If you would like to move sidebar from right to left side on woocommerce shop page, please go to header-shop.php file and replace below code:
- if( is_active_sidebar( 'shop' ) ) $body_classes .= 'with_aside aside_right';
- if( is_active_sidebar( 'shop' ) ) $body_classes .= 'with_aside aside_left';
I've looked that line but no luck.
Probably. it has changed nowdays
i seting in sidebar in theme option, they show only page, post portofolio,, but in woocomerce still in the right
If the main shop page has a sidebar then the product pages will have a sidebar as well.
you can manage the sidebar size in theme options>sidebars