Why doesn't the footer background image I selected show up?

backend: http://nimb.ws/dS7o0m

frontend: http://margitholakouiflorist.com/site/

Am I missing something? This should be pretty straight forward, I don't understand why it is not working.

Thank you for your time.


  • Hi,

    as we can see, you set transparent footer and that's why footer's background does not show up.
  • edited December 2016
    You'd THINK it would be under "Theme Options/Footer" but it's not.

    Also, a little advise. When something like this comes up in the future where it's just a matter of finding the location in the theme options, maybe offer where to find it so someone doesn't have to wait ANOTHER day to find out. :-(

    Found it.

  • Sorry but we are not your developer, we didn't made your site and we are able to tell you what we see from the code side. Please understand that we are not alpha & omega and we can not predict all steps you did to achieve such effect. There is many different ways to achieve something like that and we can not know each.

    Anyway, one of the transparent options you may set might be located under Theme options > Global > General section.

    BTW We didn't said anything about Theme options / Footer section so we do not understand why you were looking there.

    Thanks for understanding!
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