section hight and overlapping menu

hey, excuse me, i have two more questions.

1. on my websites second section I have a background image in fullscreen. but there is still empty space beneath  (visible through the black background: how do I get rid of it?

2. my menu overlaps content of the sections. i solved it yet by using placeholders at the beginning of every section. but this is not a good solution.

thank you.


  • Hi,

    1. As we can see, you set min height of 720px for this section and that's why it has this empty space at the bottom.

    2. Please send us link to page where menu overlaps content so we can have a look on it.
  • edited December 2016

    1. strange... i can`t find any setting with min height of 720px. where could I set or change it anyway?
        and my source code in firefox does not show the numer 720 when I search for it.
        I only see:
    <div class="section mcb-section full-screen  " style="padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-image: url(&quot;;); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center top; min-height: 481px;"><div class="section_wrapper mcb-section-inner" style="padding-top: 250.5px; padding-bottom: 230.5px;"></div></div>

    2. right at the top of the home page (section2): the background image is cut.
        also when I jump to another section via menu (ex. 3.) there is no space between menu and h3, although if you scroll back, there should be more white background above.

    hope you understand.

    thanks :)

  • 1. Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at so we can have a look on it. Please don’t forget to let us know what for the access is.

    2. We already removed Placeholder from #2 section and it works exactly the same as with placeholder what you can see on so we didn't noticed anything wrong with smooth scroll. It works the way it supposed to work. So maybe you can create an extra page without placeholders so we can have a look on it? Because we really didn't noticed anything wrong on your home page.
  • 1. okay, I sent you my access.

    2. hey, I now deleted all placeholders I created because of this issue. now the problem should be obvious: the headings are not visible when I jump to sections via menu, and on start page the image is cut.
  • 2: oh wait. when I am not logged in in wordpress, and the wordpress bar isnt visible in my browser the problem is not there. everything works fine. the wordpress bar moves it- thats stupid. sorry for your time.
  • 2: only the image at the very top is still cut. which might have do with problem No. 1.
  • edited December 2016
    so my problem (still) is: the menu overlaps my slider at the beginning.
  • 2. The top image is not cut but it goes behind the Fixed navigation. This is the whole sense of being fixed. So if you don't like how Fixed header type works, or you need to use different header type or you need to use the following css to move the content down:
    #Content { padding-top: 100px !important; }
  • edited December 2016
    1. hey I still could not solve the problem: I want to use fixed header, because i got multiple problems with sticky header. But when I jump to a section via menu ( I am using one page), the start of each section is hidden behind the header. I know you said, that this is the point of fixed header. but is there a way to fix it? for example to jump shorty before the beginning of each section? the sliver at the beginning is also cut.

    i didnt understand what to do with the code
    #Content { padding-top: 100px !important; }

    nothing happend when I put it to custum csss.

    2. and is there a way to set fixed header on mobile?
  • 1. - this is a screenshot of your site and as you can see, header is not fixed.

    2. Sorry but we do not have fixed header type for mobile.
  • I am sorry. I think we still don't understand each other. I use header layout style "fixed". (for sure).  And I selected "minimalist without header space". I don't use sticky header. I don't use subheader either. I only use a slider. My problem is, that when I (for example) click the menu point "Werksauswahl", it jumps to the corresponing section, i linked it to, like in your screenshot (like this: but i want it to look like this:

    Is there a way, I can make the menu jump to a section, without the beginning of each section beeing hidden by the fixed menu (/header)?
  • We are sorry but this is how one page scroll works and we do not have any other possibility included.
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