@basketventures It means, that problem is not related with theme. Something is wrong with VC plugin then. We can forward this message to plugin's author but we suggest you to inform author about this issue as well.
I think the easiest way to do it is to find the ID of the box and add "overflow: scroll" I did it but now the problem is that there is a function that scroll up by itself when I try to write
@UltDes Sorry but we don't get your question. Do you want us to fix something on what we have no impact? Visual Editor is a WordPress feature and there is nothing to be fixed from our side.
Hallo, ich habe das Problem das ich noch ein HTML noch ein VISUAL Buttons im Texteditor ich habe auch einen Button mit Builder »SEO, den ich auch nicht weg bekomme. Kenne mich nicht mit HTML Codes aus und mit dem Seo Builder kann ich garnichts anfangen. Um einen Text einzustellen. Hat das was mit der Einstellung zu tun oder liegt es an Wordpress? Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?
Not having a scroll-bar is a big issue for me. I understand that you guys can't fix it because it's not your software, but:
Is there a way i can add another (download/extern) item then the visual editor? I know i can use the the column, but i want the input to be as simple as possible.
I don't want my client has to add <p> tags, but just can use the Enter button for example.
How to solve this problem in 2019 with gutenberg editor. There isn't an option "Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality." anymore. :-/
Please read first post in this topic, this will solve your problem
You need to reopen the edited page to see the changes
I don't want my client has to add <p> tags, but just can use the Enter button for example.
After that update the page.