[Step by step] How to re-create demo page!

1. Get XML file with whole dummy content and upload into theme.

Before you can get this file for theme you need to get purchase code for item and your nickname from Themeforest (please remember xml downloader form is case sensitive and if your nickname is for example: NickName then exactly the same one must be pasted into Themeforest username field). Your purchase code should be also pasted/copied without any empty spaces or anything like that. So the best way to do that is copy purchase code from "Downloads" section from your Themeforest user panel and paste into simple text editor (ex. notepad) and then check and copy into XML downloader. If you're wondering where you can get purchase code, image below will explain you everything:


For download the XML file with demo content please at first go to page http://themes.muffingroup.com/xmls/

In next step please select a product for which you need xml file (in this case please choose Betheme). Also please paste your themeforest username and purchase code. After that just click "Download" and your file should start downloading.

However if you are not able to get XML file from our xml downloader, then you can send us pm with question about xml file for your theme, using contact form on our profile's page http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup (right bottom section). After that we`ll send you file with dummy content ASAP (usually it takes less than 24 hours).

When you got this file on your computer you can import it into your wordpress (please import this file only after installation betheme).

2. First steps after xml upload

If you want to get exactly the same site as our demo, after install and upload XML file please go to Settings > Reading > Front page displays and set up Home as Front page.

Also please go to Appearance > Menus and set up Main Menu as Main Menu is first box "Theme locations".

After these 2 easy steps you`ll get exactly the same site as our demo.

3. How to set up footer section just like on demo?

If you want to create footer just like on demo, please read these few easy steps below.

At first please go to Appearance > Widgets and drag & drop "Text" widget into Footer area #1. Then please expand this widget and paste below code into column:

  1. <img src="http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/logo_footer.png" alt="" />

    <p><span class="big">We love who we are and we are very proud to be the part of your business</span></p>

    <p>Curabitur sit amet magna quam. Praesent in libero vel [tooltip hint="Quis accumsan dolor"]turpis pellentesque[/tooltip] egestas sit amet vel nunc. Nunc lobortis dui neque quis.</p>

    [icon_bar icon="icon-facebook" link="#" target="" size="small" social="facebook"]
    [icon_bar icon="icon-gplus" link="#" target="" size="small" social="google"]
    [icon_bar icon="icon-twitter" link="#" target="" size="small" social="twitter"]
    [icon_bar icon="icon-vimeo" link="#" target="" size="small" social="vimeo"]
    [icon_bar icon="icon-play" link="#" target="" size="small" social="youtube"]

In second step please drag & drop "Muffin Recent Comments" widget into Footer area #2. Type "Recent comments" for Title and "2" for Number of comments field.

In third step please drag & drop "Muffin Recent Posts" widget into Footer area #3. Type "Latest posts" in "Title" area and type "2" for "Number of posts" field. Also please select category from which you want posts to show.

In the last step we put "Text" widget into Footer area #4 with below content:

  1. <ul class="list_mixed">
        <li class="list_check">Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis.</li>
        <li class="list_star">Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed.</li>
        <li class="list_idea">Quisque cursus et, porttitor risus.</li>
        <li class="list_check">Nulla ipsum dolor lacus, suscipit.</li>

That`s it. After these 4 easy steps you will get exactly the same footer as on our demo page.


If above explanation is not enough for you and something is still not clear, then please watch video below where we showed [step by step] how to re-create page just like demo!



  • Hello,

    It seems the XML file only puts in (most of) the layout and content of a page.

    I'm trying to recreate the transport frontpage. I had to put in the van manually, but the style is totally diffrent. The header is not the transport header, and the grey to white gradient isn't present.

    Please tell me how i can completetly recreate this homepage.

    Kinds regards,
    Lucas van Rooij
  • Hi @lucasvrooij,

    whole styles configuration always comes as default because it is not possible to upload different styles for different pages. We`ll explain what you need to do because this is very easy and takes maybe 1 minute at least.

    When you look at Be|Transport on http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/home/transport?mfn-c=green&mfn-l=transport you see:

    1. Color style is green so all you need to do is go to Theme options > Colors > General section and choose "Green" Theme skin.

    2. Behind top menu is Revolution Slider. This never comes with xml file with any theme as this is built on separated slider and all you need to do is upload right slider from package into Revolution Slider. This has been described on http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/15/how-to-import-revolution-slider-into-be-theme

    This is all you need to do. Hope all will be clear now ;)

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I have done what you said, however the slider is obviously not showing because it isn't placed on the transport homepage. I've tried inserting in the page builder but it's not working (http://rvo-ontwikkeling.nl/verhuur/)

    Please tell me what else i need to do to get the result i'm looking for.
  • So if this wasn`t helpful, then please send us access to your dashboard on pm and we`ll have a look on it but this will take about 12/24 hours as we are very busy and have long queue of support.

    Please in pm notice what for is access.

  • Hello,

    I figured out step 3 myself, in the nectar page settings you can choose a slider. 

    Keep in mind some people have no expierce or are used to other page building systems (like me). 

    Thanks for the support.
  • @lucasvrooij We understand but each theme is different and can have different settings. Probably in their product slider can be setup in theme options but it is applied for homepage only. For our theme we did it a little bit difference. Different sliders can be setup for different pages and in our mind this is much better solution and fit for more users. That`s why slider can be setup in "Page settings" section while you create/edit page. This has been also described in doc but maybe you didn`t found it.

    However we already work on online doc in one page html format and we hope this will be much easier and better way to find answer on your questions :)
  • Hello,

    To be honest i was a bit annoyed and in a hurry. Once you get used to the theme (wich took 20 minutes) You can create beautiful things extremely easy, and this is what makes a theme really good. 

    The demo can look stunning, but if it's almost impossible to make your own content look good the theme is useless. This is absolutely not the case here!

    I've created this within 2 hours http://rvo-ontwikkeling.nl/verhuur/ (logo isnt my work).

    Going to rate 5 stars.
  • Thanks ;) Really nice to hear that you like it. As for 2 hours, website looks nice and your visitors will definitely like this page.
  • I am trying to recreate the Be|renovate theme to use as a base site to build from. I have managed to get it close. But I was wondering if there is a way to import files/xml and settings in one click to make my life easier.


  • @Advancedmodular Since 2.4 version was released, we added 1-Click Demo Install option. So if you will update to this version, go to Appearance > BeTheme Demo Data section, you will be able to install pages and other content within just one click what makes your life much easier.

    Hope this is what you would like to hear :)
  • Thanks, but I am running version 2.4. I don not see the option to do a 1Click demo install. I have Imported demo data, imported the downloaded .xml file. But there is no option to choose be|renovate as the demo install.
    Hope that makes sense. Hope you can help. Thanks.
  • @AdvancedModular So please update to latest 2.6 version and you must have this option.
  • Thanks. I have updated to 2.6, but your documentation indicates that the 1-click install should give me the option to Import Attachments. When I go to this page I only see the 'Import' and 'Homepage' dropdown menus, but no 'Attachments' checkbox. Why would this be? 
    Also every time I try to re-install the theme or update the Demo data it adds another set of menus. 

    See http://www.perthretainingwalls.com/ to see what I mean.

    Thanks again for helping out.
  • Got it all sorted! was straight forward on a fresh install. Great theme - just needed to get my head round it.
  • Thanks for the info @Advancedmodular! We're glad to hear you already sorted everything :)
  • Hi Muffin, I tried to use the new 1-click Import Demo Data option but after checking download attachments and clicking Import button, site just sits there. When I go to view our site, I see this error: "Revolution slider error: Slider with alias homepage not found." 

    All of the plugins, including Revolution Slider were installed prior to importing demo data.

    Can you help?



  • Same thing for my page, but also with this dropdown menu that scrolls with the screen.  http://localhost:63068/ 
  • @thordarson Revolution Slider is external plugin and data never comes with one click installer. Slides for revolution slider must be imported themselves. More info about that you can read on http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/15/how-to-import-revolution-slider-into-be-theme

    @media-relations Do you know what link you sent to us? This is localhost. This can be opened only on your computer. We can`t open it at all as this is technically not possible.
  • edited July 2014

    I realize why we can't change our current website to something else. I will try to solve the issues without sharing the URL. Sorry! Thanks!

  • I am trying to recreate the "photo" homepage, but someway it seems like there some content that makes the scrollbar active, and with Firefox a :) appear at the bottom. Any suggestions?
  • @mariuswallin Please send us url to your website and also make a screenshot of what you mean so we can have a look on it.
  • edited July 2014
    Please how do i install the betheme-xmla.zip demo. Please can you respond asap
  • @temmiezy You must unpack this file first but instead, we recommend to use "1 click demo install". Everything has been explained in doc so please take a look on http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/#1-click-demo
  • Hello! The theme is awesome for sure, but how can i recreate the Be-Design homepage? I already installed the design.xml file with its attachments and set the reading setting for the static front page to the Design option; i also set the heading to Creative style, but my homepage only shows the heading on the left and the rest is blank/empty. What else is needed to make the Design style working? A step-by-step guide also for this style would be awesome (including options for the Muffin Builder, if needed somewhere) ;-) In general, as a suggestion, this kind of info is currently quite poor in the documentation and maybe should deserve an improvement.
    Many thanks in advance for your support.
    Best regards
  • @blacker61 We are not sure what you mean exactly... Please send us url to your website so we can have a look on what you did so far because from your explanation above you did exactly what you should. But if you ask about the rest of whole content (inner pages, media or so) you need to import ALL because the rest comes only with this file. You can also have a look into BeTheme Demo Data section and maybe there is something what you need. We described this section on http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/#1-click-demo
  • Hi there. All is working now: i was not importing all demo files, so i was missing all media and portfolios. Thanks again for your support :-)
  • Hi,
    Another great theme :-). I'm looking for the Be/Plumber demo but its not in the xml download? Thanks, Rich
  • edited October 2014
    @bramalluk It is included of course. Please update theme to latest version always if you want to use recent demos. And also take a look at http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/1064/how-to-re-create-one-of-full-demo-pages-betheme-demo-data
  • Hi
    I apologize for asking duplicate question but I cannot find the answer. I have looked at the 1-click demo install and the xml file. I do not see or understand how to get the BeTourist homepage. Can you advise?
  • Sorry, I feel stupid. I figured it out.
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