Change php-version


i want to change the php-version of my site. Atfter i changed it all settings of betheme are lost.
Ist there a best way to change the php version or do i have to adjust manually after the update?

thank you


  • Hi,

    to what PHP version you changed? And how you did it? This is first time we hear that settings were lost after change to newer PHP version.
  • Hi,

    I use 5.2.17 and try to changed to 5.3.29 and to 5.6.12.

    I change the php settings direkt on our webserver. This does not work.

    So i made an export of the database and all data - change the php version and reimport all data and the database.

    But i also get the mistakes.

  • Both servers (the one where you do the export and the one you do the import) need to have same settings (P|HP version). Only then, the export and import would work the way it should.
  • okay. Than i change the php version and hope i can repair the new installation.
  • edited January 2017

    I have a similar problem. I am just changing to newer php from the original wp install (5.2.17), not an import. I have followed the instructions you have given in many other posts to make sure the server environment is optimal. I even spent 40 mins on the phone to the client's hosting to make those changes.

    Strangely, whilst the site did appear normal after changing to 5.6, the theme options were blank and I couldn't save anything. I tried updating the theme which just made things worse - all theme settings and styling were lost. 

    So... I have had to restore a backup and revert back to 5.2.17 as it is the only one where the theme options work. I am working behind a coning soon plugin but can give you logins privately.

    I am totally puzzled on this one..

  • Hi @davebal4,

    we are pretty sure it is related with limits on server end. This might be not enough memory or extra extensions like Suhosin or Zend OPCache which are limiting main settings.
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