Theme Web Product light Demo 3D

Hi, i am playing around with thise Demo theme.

Is it possible to make the Text static?
I would prefer to just let the pictures move and not the text.
Thank you,
Site is
Actuaally with different sliders and stuff to play around with. I am totally new to wordpress and i have no coding skills at all.
So please give me an unswer i can understand ;D


  • Hi,

    as we can see, text does not move so we are not sure what you mean exactly. Which text moves exactly?
  • I mean in this Demo template, when i activate parallax and 3D every layer i ad moves in 3d. But i would like to ad a Textlayer that does not move in 3D.
    I did not found an option for that. Just the on / off/ switch of 3D which controlls the whole Template.
    So it looks like everything can move or nothing.

    By now i have removed the 3D effect totally. thats why nothing is moving ;D
  • Ok, we got it. However, you are right about it and as far as we know, or everything can move or nothing when using 3D.
  • ok then i do a 1/2 1/2 and use a collumn on the right and the 3D one the left to get the Effect i need.

    Thank you.
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