Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Hi
    Please create magazine theme with dual sidebars.

  • edited June 2017
    I would love to see a demo section SEARCH option.  When I am trying to show a client a lawyer type site, or events, etc.  It would be easier to find since you are doing more and more demos, which is great, by the way. Thanks, Ron
  • Please can you figure out a way to automatically centre background video footage? There are several threads requesting information on how to do this already.
  • here are a few suggestions
    • Be able to Create Custom post types or at least the ability to use the theme blog templates with them.
    • Update the core theme  with new features rather than demos,  header creator to affer greater flexibility.
    • admin wp side:  disable features that are not available with certain options. i.e. if you select an option and it doesn't work with another option elsewhere that should be disabled based on selection chosen.

  • edited February 2017
    Please, BuddyPress is a must have in Wordpress if you want to build a community site. Support this plugin in Betheme with new features and skins based on community.
  • edited March 2017
    An Archive page that actually works.

    I want to be able to select a simple drop-down list shortcode (placed anywhere within the Muffin Builder platform of my choosing without having to install jetpack) of past posts and have the link actually send me to an archive page that lists all of the posts occurring in that time frame in a nice tabled format (not the usual grid/masonry format which isn't really applicable to a corporate website).

    For instance, the Archive drop-down might list past posts by year, month or week. Select the appropriate year (for instance) from the drop-down list and be magically transported to an Archive page that lists all related posts in a table format styled to your theme.

    I know what you're thinking...there's a widget for that. But widgets screw up the wide format option I'm using. Sometimes "simple" is better. Websites should be EASY to navigate and present information with the least amount of clicks and as simple a presentation as possible.
  • Please! Add more options for SEO-important things!
    I don't want to reprogramm any part of the theme to be able to update it.

    • Alt Tags! Neither Background Images, nor Slider Items use the Alt Infos from wordpress media library. Which is a huuge deal! SEO is a huge part of every page and not setting the alt info of images is a huge loss of potential in SEO!
    • Give the ability to nonindex Portfolio-Types and Slide-Items
    But specificly the first point is majorly important
  • Ability to have complete control of the menu colours without having to write CSS.

    Both sticking and transparent colour setting should be available for both mobile and larger devices. 

  • Hello Friends,

    This update has been requested NUMEROUS times on this forum: The ability to import a single page, simultaneously from the demo site that way we can use it as a template or use it to learn how to recreate a particular customization.

    As of now when whenever you go to 'import demo data' option it changes all current customization settings and creates unwanted pages, and pictures. I researched hi and low and I have finally have discovered a temporary fix for this issue. As we wait for our diligent developers update us with a make a permanent solution:

    You simply need to create and additional and WordPress installation via a staging site.
    You can do this in very easy two ways: Through your hosting provider, mine is GoDaddy and they charge monthly for the service.

    So I chose to do it via the free WP Staging plugin. I worked like a charm. Simply install and VIOLA you have a brand new site with Wordpress and BeTheme already installed. Now you can learn, practice, and upload/delete demo content as much as your heart desires. You don't have to worry about losing your setting because this site is completely separate.

    When you are satisfied, simply copy the muffin builder template export from the staging site and paste it into your real site.

    Your Welcome. :)
  • and I will say 2 words. Which are definitely needed...
    1/ Image gallery. A lot of variants through shortcodes. But no one with a filter. (like posts filter) This is practically standard in gallery organization now. Will be beautiful to have it in a Muffin builder and filter across tags.
    2/ Sometimes - I look for a very nice looking elements. There a lot of them in themes ( thank you!). But often they look so beautiful because of div inside columns  + own inline styles + own classes + own data in wrappers. It is time-consuming process to repeat that element. Or the situation is more simple: I did some elements in past theme and want to recreate in a new order. But I... forgot concrete  ciphers and styles in Muffin. That will be really great to have export button for the SECTION. 
  • ability to change blockquote QUOTATION MARK (currently png image) colour to match your theme.
  • Hi, I love your theme and the options flexibility. I have a couple suggestions for future updates:

    1. Add gradient buttons
    2. Add gradient section backgrounds
    3. Add carousal
  • It could be great if sidebars could be show on mobiles before the content. Because sidebars are always after the content, and for some sites that is not ok.

    In mobile we want our clients to use the filter and the products search before the content. If not, they'll need to scroll and that is not a good user experience nor a good user interface.

  • It would be great to have Events Pro
  • Hi,
    It will be great if you add the possibility to select the "scroll" class for the button of "Pricing item"
    Kind regards
  • Couple of ideas that would be awesome in future update

    > Option to enable White Label Mode within Theme Settings
    > Check A Trade Social Icon
    > Colourful Menu - Different Colours (Maybe a colourful theme too)
    > Woocommerce Menu Icon Dropdown Basket
  • Please! 
    • more layout options for blog
    • Option to display featured category name (For example: or
    • Option to hide date label in post related
    • Option to display only category name and hide date and author
    • Option to hide button in post related 
    • Live Muffin Builder 
    • More options to customize "share buttom" (display horizontal or vertical)
    • WhatsApp Icon
  • Be able to import additional landing pages demos with any installed & working theme it's really important to marketing/ promoting any site.
  • Masonry Gallery please
  • Would love to have tinymce type feature in muffin builder for contents to make our work easy, since not all are quite familiar with html coding and css styling. This would be a faboulous addition
  • please please please... add "whatsapp" icon. Thanks.
  • Hi there. Please add animation options to your button widget!

  • I wish to have a TABLE setting in Muffin Builder,
    creating Table are PAINFUL to me....
  • I whish four features for the future.
    • Muffin builder TABLE import from Excel
    • Custom Icons from fonts (or extend the icons)
    • Google adwords code import with update possibility
    • Better image galery (muffin bulider) than the img id short code.

    Thank you very much!
  • Hi, muffin builder is fine and fast. But for using that I need some addons that seems not be available.

    I need a IMAGE HOTSPOT

    How can I do that using muffin builder?

  • Hi, will you be adjusting the theme to be compadible with WooCommerce 3.0.5?
  • Would be great have the 'banner' area in the magaizine header and creative header be widget driven instead of html. On a prefect world, there would be an optional 'Widget' area that could be used with all headers
  • On this support forum it would be awesome to have a
    section for private information: (hidden from the public) so we could give your
    support team access through here if needed
  • HI,
    I don't know if this was already suggested, but it would be nice to set delay on animations.
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