Page Constantly Crashing

edited February 2017 in BeBuilder
Every time I update the page after editing, it keeps crashing or takes a very long time to update.  The Muffin Builder does not seem to be working very well.  

I am trying to use my own content in WordPress content editor, but it is not visible.  I've already turned everything on to make it visible.  Can you please help with this as soon as possible?  It is taking me a very long time to create one page.  Can you please confirm that I cannot simply add my own content anywhere and how many times I want?

Also, if I use Visual Composer, how can I change the backgrounds and do what I need to do to make the pages look like the demo?  I'm considering using Visual Composer because I'm having so many problems with Muffin Builder, but I like the design and layout of the demo homepage for splash.

Another issue is that the slider loads extremely slow.  Is there a fix for this?


  • Hi,

    1. Your slow speed has nothing to do with the builder and is more related with your hosting. We suggest to disable all plugins and check if this would speed up.

    2. Pre-built layouts were built with Muffin Builder tool which is much lighter, easier in use and faster. We can not build those demos with Visual Composer because it’s an additional plugin and in reference to right agreements, we can not force users to use 3rd party plugins. Also, for many users, Visual Composer just doesn’t work right because plugin is quite heavy and requires good hosting service.

    3. Slider Revolution is not our plugin and is only bundled into theme as additional plugin. However, this plugin is really advanced tools with lots of Javascripts and can not be as fast as other plugins poor is the options and functionalities that this plugin has. But we think, that better hosting configuration and proper config of W3 Total Cache plugin, should speed up your site.

    If you will have a look on speed test!/dxSjCs/ you will see that our demo with lots of goods and Slider Revolution, loads in less than 1 second what is very good result and it clearly shows that theme has completely nothing to do with the slow loading on your site.
  • edited February 2017

    I understand what you're saying about the hosting, but all other pages are fine.  It is only the home page that keeps crashing or taking a very long time to update, which tells me it has nothing to do with the hosting.  

    Also, why am I seeing the broken image and thumbnail in the slider for the homepage that is having problems?  I am using the same slider and having that problem on another page.  This is the broken image: wp-content/plugins/revslider//admin/assets/images/tp-brokenimage.png

    My URLs:
    Original homepage that I'm having problems with:

    Home page that I've recreated, but want to get rid of the "Home" in the breadcrumbs area:

    I would use another page as the home page, but I won't the homepage without the title "home".  I want' all other pages to have the title visible.  How can I do this?

    Also, after I build a content in the muffin builder, can I save it as a template to use on another page? If so, how?  

    Please help soon.  I need to get reveal this site very soon. Thank you.

  • Please check Appearance > System Status section. Check if any of those values are limited (red color). Please also check PHP and MySQL version and compare with required versions on

    The image in slider, may do not appear because of double slash in address:

    Breadcrumbs settings, you can find under Appearance > Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Subeader section and also under page settings, where is Subheader | Hide option.

    Muffin Builder content, can be exported with Export button which is just under the builder in the right bottom corner. You need to copy generated code and paste it onto another page using Import button.
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