Submenus Muffin Menu widget

Hi !

I have 2 questions about the Muffin Menu, I hope you can help me.
1. I would like to change the background color of the submenus, I have already change the background of the Menu (with .widget_mfn_menu ul li a { background: #e3e3e3; color: #626262; }) but I don't like it. I would like to change just the submenus and not all the menu, is it possible ?

2. I have choose the "show on click" and it works, but when I click on a subpage and I'm on this page, the submenu disappears. So I have to click again on the menu to found the submenu. How can I fix that ? Because it's confusing for the users.
I don't know if I'm very understandable, I don't know how to explain and my english isn't very good, sorry...

So here is the page where I want to make the changes : http://wptest.istw.local/index.php/leistungsbereiche/

Thanks for your help !


  • Hi.

    1. You can change the color settings in theme options>colors
    2. The link you have send does not work but if i am understanding you right, the menu works fine. It is just the way it works.

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry but I can't find where to change the muffin menu background in theme options>colors. I'm talking about the muffin menu in the sidebar.

    Thanks for your help !
  • The link you send us is not working. Please check it and lets us know. We will write you custom CSS to change that menu color. Please describe exacly what this menu is supposed to look like.
  • Hi,

    I send you a pm with my login and how I want it to look like.

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