action bar - menu right top

Hi within the action bar 

there is an menu on the right top.

where can I change the colour?

Please help!

thanks a lot !

Best Regards


  • Hi,

    Go to BeTheme Options -> Colors -> Action Bar
    There you can manage all the colors on the action bar.

    If you cannot see this option, try updating the theme to its newest version.

  • Can I also change the colors of action bar individually? 

    I am using white as color for my buttons - because my main menu is dark colored. My action bar, however, is white, to keep it clean. However, the button text - when it is white - cannot be seen at the action bar.

    Furthermore, I am interested to position the action bar items, such as my contact number + email to the right hand side. Where can I change this?

    My last question refers to the fact that I want to change the text in my search box to an alternative German text. Can I edit this?

  • HI, have you looked in the color option for the action bar? You can set the background, link color. hover color and social media colors. 

    The search placeholder can be changed in the translate options>general

    For the action bar items position to change we will have to write custom CSS for you so please send us a link of your website.

  • Thanks,
    the link of my website is

    I do not see the option to change the colors for the action bar only - it correlates with colors for the menu or could you send me a screenshot of which options you see?

    Thanks for your support for creating a custom CSS!

    Best wishes
  • And another question is - how do I update the theme? 

    When I try to install the most updated version the system tells me "the folder already exists"?

    Do I need to deinstall it first? I'm afraid this would delete most settings..

    Thanks also for this information
  • Hi,

    Answering your question about the theme update. It's always better to make a backup of your website. You can update your theme just by overwriting your files with new ones. It will not delete your settings because all the setting are held in the database and it is not affected by an update at all.

    Here is your custom CSS for the positioning and the colours

    #Action_bar .contact_details {
    float: right !important;

    #Action_bar .contact_details .slogan {
    color:#626262 !important;
    #Action_bar .contact_details i {
    color:#626262 !important;
    #Action_bar .contact_details .phone i:before {
    transform: rotate(90deg);
  • Thanks for your reply.

    If I enter this code exactly the way it is at "custom" > "Additional CSS code", there is no impact/ change happening.

    It is not changing the place from left to right for example.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks once again and best regards
  • Go to theme options>custom css&js>css then paste the code I had send you ( the one on the yellow background) and save. Then reload the page. If you cannot see it try clearing the browser cache.

    Hope this helps
  • That's great and works.

    However, I want the social icons at the very right side and the contact details left next to it / also on the right side.

    How can I put this order

    Right hand side: Phone - Email - Social Icons 

    Thanks and best regards
  • Dear Team,
    I also want to change the color of the font in my contact box / get in touch shortcode. 

    What is the custom css for this or where can I change this?

    Thanks and best regards
  • Dear Sarah,

    Use this custom CSS
        #Action_bar .column {
    text-align:right !important;
    #Action_bar .column .contact_details {
    display: inline-block;
    float: none !important;
    margin-right: 20px;
    For the contact box
    .get_in_touch, .get_in_touch a, .get_in_touch h3, .get_in_touch ul, .infobox, .infobox a, .infobox h3, .infobox ul {
    color: black !important;
    This is for the icons color in the contact box
    .get_in_touch ul li .icon {
    Just change the color from black to what you want ;)

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