
Is it possible to set a delay to megamenu disappearance when mouse hover out the parent option?
On menus with a lot of items if the mouse pointer pass through another option on the way down, the megamenu desapear, so, the user must to go straigth down to be able to select mega menu options.
I tryed to implement hoverintent() and others scripts like this with no success:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(".sf-menu").hoverIntent(menuin , menuout);

// expand the height of the container
function menuin(){
jQuery(".mfn-megamenu-7").animate({height: 'toggle'}, "1000"); 
// reset the height of the container
function menuout() {
jQuery(".mfn-megamenu-7").animate({height: 'toggle'}, "1000");


  • Hi,

    we are very sorry but we do not have any option that is able to handle what you ask for, nor any solution unfortunately.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • This will be a further upgrade?
    I have this code:

    jQuery(function($) { 
    $('#Top_bar .menu li').hover(function(){
        $('.submenu ul', this).show();
    }, function(){
        $('.submenu ul', this).delay(2000).fadeOut();
    Is not working because css has ben executed first.
    Maybe you can implement this on the next upgrade.

  • Hi. I found this on menu.js:

    var doMenu = function(){

    if( ( $(window).width() >= options.mobileInit ) || ( ! options.responsive ) ){
    // desktop --------------------------------

    $( '> li, ul:not(.mfn-megamenu) li', menu ).hover(function() {
    $(this).stop(true,true).addClass( options.hoverClass );
    $(this).children( 'ul' ).stop(true,true).fadeIn( 2000 );
    }, function(){
    $(this).stop(true,true).removeClass( options.hoverClass );
    $(this).children( 'ul' ).stop(true,true).fadeOut( 2000 );

    It says //Desktop, so why is not working when I set the delay to 200?
  • Just to share this to anyone who having the same problem then I.
    I noticed that fade effects was not working. So looking for solutions, i noticed that the option .stop(true,true) was repeated to many times. I just remove it from the lines below:

    Line 65:$(this).children( 'ul' ).fadeIn(options.delay);
    Line 72:$(this).children( 'ul' ).fadeOut(options.delay);

    You can do the same fot mobile option on lines 89 and 94.
    I hope you guys fix these on next release.
    Thank You.
  • We will have a look into it.
  • arymaynart man... you are a hero. Thanks!
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