Featured image from related post not showing


On my blog posts the images of the related posts are not showing.
You need to know that I have removed the featured image of all the posts with this css : .single-photo-wrapper, .project-description { display: none; }
(because I don't want to see the featured image and the description on the top of the post) and I know my problem with the related posts come because of that css.
So I tried to ad that css : .section-post-related .post-related .image_frame { display: block !important; }
to forced it to appear but it doesn't work... I found it on the forum so maybe it's not the good one, idk...

I haven't this problem with the portfolio and I don't understand because this css applies to both.

I'm sorry I can't show you my website because it's on our intranet, if you can't help me without it I would ask again when it will be online.



  • It's good, I found !

    It's just : .section-post-header .single-photo-wrapper,  .project-description { display: none; }
    to remove the featured image of the top of the post without touching related posts.

    Thanks anyway !
  • Hi,
    Yes please show it to us when it's online.
    Try to use the body classes like .page .home .single-post etc.
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