Full Width Equal Height Columns

I have 3 column items that I would like to be equal height and full width.

I can get full width if I select "full-width" in style, but the column heights are uneven.
I can also get them to be "equal height" in style, but it is no longer full width.

You see my problem.

I would like 3 equal columns as featured here in the Barber 2 Demo:

Could you please advise how this is achieved.

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    to set up Equal Height of items in wrap style for the section. If this won't work, then put each item in separate wrap and set Equal Height of wraps instead.
  • I think some of your comment is missing at the start?
  • Your comment reads:


    (advice missing here?)

    to set up Equal Height of items in wrap style for the section. If this won't work, then put each item in separate wrap and set Equal Height of wraps instead.
  • You're right. There should be "to get equal height of blocks in a section, you need". But basically, the sense is the same and above message, explain what you need to do to get equal sizes of the items.
  • Yes I know if you read my problem you will see that I mentioned that I have already set equal height, but it is no longer full width.

    If the section is set to full width, I no longer have equal height.

    I need both.

    Equal height columns that are also full-width are shown in the Barber 2 demo so it can be done.

    I would like clear instructions on how to achieve this.

    I have to say support on here has been a joke, I have not received one helpful response, just people copying and pasting from the documentation which does not have all the answers.

  • We are very sorry that you do not appreciate the work we put in supporting this theme. Not very nice to be honest. There are more than 100+ topics per day, we cannot explain everything again to everybody, you need to do some work on your own and research our documentation and forum for answers.
    This custom CSS should help fixing your problem
    .page-id-443 .sections_group .equal-height-wrap .section_wrapper {
    max-width:100% !important;
    Have a nice day.
  • Hi there,

    I kind of have a similar problem and I think this is the answer. But... as a newb may I ask where or how to implement this fine piece of css? Like on the page or in the betheme menu?
    I´m sorry, but this was the closest discussion i found for my problem so far, I think you do a great job with your theme, thanks.

  • Just got how it works!
  • Hi Daniel, there is a box for custom css on the bottom of each page.

    I pasted it there and it worked!
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