Get in touch text & link colour


1. How can I change the color of text and links (email, phone number) within "get in touch" form?
2. How can I change text font and its' size?

3. Also, is it possible to arrange text by lines? For example, changing address
Line 1: Street, City, 
Line 2: Country
Line 1: Street,
Line 2: City,
Line 3: Country



  • edited March 2017
    To clarify, all of the above questions are about "get in touch" form
  • And if possible, could you please, provide these settings for "Contact box" over the Map.
    Also, I'd be glad to know parameters such as width 

    Thanks a lot
  • Also, for "get in touch button" is it possible to change the background opacity?
  • Hi,
    You can set the colors in theme options>colors.
    IF this is not enough you will have to use custom css.
    We can write you custom CSS but we have to see your site 
    Please specify what colors you want and where.
  • Hi! There is only background customization within "colors".
    However, I was able to find the way to change text color.

    Could you, please, provide CSS for
    - "get in touch" background opacity (please, note that I'd like to change opacity of the background ONLY). I am not good with CSS, so I guessed it is 
    .get_in_touch background { opacity: 0.2 !important; }
    but it didn't work
    - the same for "Contact box" over the Map

    I am sure it doesn't require a link.
    I'd be grateful for your help


  • We need the link
  • I'm not publishing it yet, therefore I post no links.

    I need help and you can help me. 
  • We cannot help you if we do not see the code because all of the pages are different and we need to test it. Either send us a link here or on the form here

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